Sunday, June 28, 2009

Danish Graduation

This weekend has been the graduation weekend for all of the gymnasiums (high school equivalent) here in Denmark. How do I know this? Because, the Danish gymnasium students have an AWESOME tradition to celebrate their graduation. First of all, they wear sailor hats, like these girls here:
(I don't actually know these girls, I found them on the internet to illustrate my point). Once they have their sailor hats on, each class rents a truck with an open back. Gymnasium is three years long, and it's like elementary school in the U.S., you stay with a class of 25-30 people for most of your subjects (except for stuff like music and art) for all three years. So they rent this truck, hire someone to drive it, and then the entire class piles in the back and drives around the city. They drive around to the house of each person in the class, where their parents give them beer, liquor, and cake. Since there are 25ish people in the class, this takes all day. They get super drunk and sing songs and are generally rowdy, and everyone they drive by honks and waves and yells congratulations to them. Here are a couple of the trucks I saw today:
When I was here before, I was only in the second year of gymnasium. I was super disappointed by this, because it meant that I didn't get to drive around in a truck while wearing a sailor hat and getting drunk!

All in all, I think it's a pretty great way to celebrate a graduation. I have to say that I didn't really enjoy my recent college graduation very much. The entire weekend was incredibly stressful and rushed - I felt like there were so many things I had to go to and do (in addition to trying to pack everything up) that I didn't get to slow down and enjoy anything. It was so frantic running around trying to see all of the people I wanted to see, and then there was the added element of everyone's families being there that made it even crazier. I would have much preferred gathering all my friends up in a truck and just having a really great and ridiculous day together.

1 comment:

  1. Yeahhhh I second that. Graduation was so stressful and I didn't even see my best Scripps friends at the end for pictures because everyone was off running around with their families :-/
